Arizona Employment Lawyer Dedicated to the Fair Treatment of Arizona Workers

At the Tyler Allen Law Firm, in Phoenix, our Arizona employment lawyers concentrate on helping employees who have been wrongfully treated on the job. We give you our undivided attention at all times, working hard to empower you to make decisions that are in your best interests. We will fully explain the law and the options that are available so that you can determine what course of action will best meet your needs. We recognize how important it is to talk with your lawyer, so we make ourselves available when you need us. We will do our best to return your call or e-mail within 24 hours.

To schedule an initial consultation with a dedicated Phoenix employment law attorney, please call 602-456-0545 or contact an Arizona employment lawyer online using the form on this page.


We provide reduced-fee consultations with an experienced Arizona employment attorney. We charge a $100 consultation fee and will meet with you for up to one hour. We provide our consultations in-person at our Phoenix office or we are happy to consult with you over the phone.

If you schedule a consultation over the phone, we recommend you fax or email all relevant documents to our offices at least one (1) day prior to your appointment. For in person meetings, we highly recommend you bring all of the relevant documents with you when you come for your consultation, doing so, will allow for a more successful consultation and save you time and money. If you are questioning whether to bring a specific document, opt to bring it.

Contact us at 602-995-3777 and our staff will make an appointment for you to consult with an attorney by phone or in person. We require payment in advance of all consultations and we accept all major credit cards, cashiers checks and cash. Anything over one hour will be charged by our standard hourly rate of $325.

Sexual Harassment

We work closely with men and women who have been subjected to sexual harassment at work. Our Arizona employment lawyers and sexual harassment attorneys handle claims involving sexual harassment of employees by bosses or supervisors as well as co-workers. We also handle claims involving groups of employees.

Employment Discrimination

  • Americans with Disabilities Act: The Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) aims to prevent discrimination against individuals with disabilities. Not every employee who has a medical condition is protected under this Act. To be protected by this Act an individual must be qualified for the job and have a disability defined by the law. The Equal Employment and Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) states that a disability can be shown in one of three ways, read more by clicking the link.

  • Discrimination: We represent people who have been treated differently at work because of their race, gender, age, religion, disability or national origin. We handle Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) claims as well as violations of state and federal law

  • Employment contract review and severance issues: We review employment contracts for employees to make sure the terms are fair and that the contract complies with the law. We also review severance agreements for workers whose employers may be trying to avoid liability for wrongful conduct by offering a severance package.

  • Family and Medical Leave Act: The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) allows eligible employees of covered employers to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons while maintaining their group health insurance coverage under the same terms and conditions as if the employee was continuing to work. 

  • Pregnancy Discrimination: The Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) is a federal law that prohibits discrimination against pregnant workers in any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits, such as leave and health insurance, and any other term or condition of employment.

  • Retaliation: Our Arizona employment lawyers protect the rights of people who have been fired or otherwise punished at work for taking legal action, such as filing a valid workers’ compensation claim, filing a discrimination or sexual harassment claim, or reporting illegal conduct by others (whistleblower claims)

  • Sexual Harassment: Tyler Allen Law Firm’s employment attorneys represent those who have been victim to sexual harassment in the workplace.

  • The Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”): The Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations to breastfeeding mothers. Section 7 of the FLSA requires employers to provide “reasonable break time for an employee to express breast milk for her nursing child for 1 year after the child’s birth each time such employee has need to express the milk.” 29 U.S.C. 207(r)(1)(A).

  • Unpaid wages: We protect the rights of men and women in Arizona who were denied their rightful wages.

  • Whistleblower’s Rights Under the Arizona Employment Protection Act: A “whistleblower” is a person who reports that someone they work with is conducting illegal activity. Depending on where they live, a whistleblower may report this activity to management or a state or federal agency. To protect those who report this type of activity, there are several federal and state statutes that provide safeguards. Here is information about a whistleblower’s rights under the Arizona Employment Protection Act.

  • Wrongful termination: Even though Arizona is an at-will employment state, you may still be entitled to compensation if you were fired in violation of state or federal law or in breach of contract.

 Non-Compete Agreements:

Signing a non-compete agreement prohibits an employee from directly competing with the former employer in any way should the employee sign a new contract with a prospective employer.

Typically, these agreements are legally enforceable in Arizona if:

  • The non-compete agreement is limited to protecting the employer's legitimate business interests.

  • The agreement is reasonable in both duration and scope.

  • The agreement doesn't violate Arizona public policy.

Overly broad or unreasonable agreements, by contrast, may be unenforceable.

Here are some key terms of non-competes that are worth paying attention to before signing:

  • Where does the non-compete apply? Is it national, regional, or local?

  • Is the non-compete industry-wide or does it only exclude certain competitors?

  • What is the non-compete's duration? Lengthy non-compete agreements can unnecessarily restrict an employee's future career mobility.

  • Could the agreement impact your ability to find future employment in your preferred industry?

  • Are there damage provisions if you violate the agreement? If so, it is often wise to request the elimination of those terms.

To discuss a specific provision of the agreement that you find undesirable or other concerns regarding Arizona non-competes, talk to an Arizona employment lawyer at Tyler Allen Law Firm.

Severance Agreement Review

Knowing the Details of the Severance Agreement

Some employees blindly sign a severance agreement without knowing what the agreement contains.

If they do this, they could be binding themselves to terms that are strongly to the employer's advantage.

Employees should understand the compensation they are receiving, when they are receiving it, and what they are agreeing to in exchange for this compensation.

The employee is likely giving up some significant legal rights in order to receive this compensation.

Frequently, a severance agreement will require an Arizona employee to forego the right to sue their employer and it may contain a non-compete agreement.

It is beneficial to know the exact details of the severance agreement.

For example, if you are being terminated and have a strong workplace discrimination claim against the employer, you may want to discuss this potential claim with an employment attorney before signing any document as you may be barred from pursuing a discrimination claim if you sign the agreement.

The Arizona employment lawyers at the Tyler Allen Law Firm can review your severance agreement before you sign, ensuring your rights and best interests are protected.

Preparation for Your Employment Consultation

Preparing for your consult will make your meeting more productive

The more prepared you are to consult with your lawyer, the more productive your consultation will be. Click the Employment Consultation link to read the steps that will help you make the most of your time with your attorney.